Vlog - Mission Peak and Coyote Hills
February 28, 2021
Went to Mission Peak and Coyote Hills with family and firends.
Hometown is where the heart settles down. 此心安處是吾鄉
February 28, 2021
Went to Mission Peak and Coyote Hills with family and firends.
March 26, 2020
Redash becomes popular now, but it doesn’t support REST APIs well. This post demonstrates a simple way to query redash via http.
October 26, 2019
NOTE: This is not a tutorial -- it is a memo. I won't list detail implementation of the techniques used in these articles, instead, I want to record why I choose those techniques. Also, I won't repeat those basic concepts -- I assume you guys already knows those.
October 25, 2019
Finally, got my github pages done.
September 13, 2019
Mission Peak might be the best hiking place for people who live in east or south bay (in Bay Area) — it is close, not too high and not too low.